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About Us
Business Areas
Driving Introduction Company Keyproto Co., Ltd.
In-Kyou Lee
Quality, foundation 6/1/2005
Date of
(HQ) 166, Goryeom-gil, Cheongbuk-eup, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
(R&D Center) 46, Dongtansandan 10-gil, Hwasung-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
About Us
Areas Prototyping, 5-axis precision processing, casting and molds, R&D - Introduction, Certificates, Partners
Accelerating Website - Business Philosophy
- Company History
Growth Certificates
Business Areas
- Business Areas
- Prototyping
- 5-axis Precision Processing
- Casting and Molds
벤처기업확인서 벤처산업 발전 유공자 표창 기업부설연구소 인정서 소재·부품전문기업확인서
[Distinguished Contribution [Corporate R&D Center [Certificate for Parts &
We lead the industry with our quality to Venture Industry Development Award] Certification] Materials Specialized Company]
and accelerate our growth to venture Product
into a wider world. - Product Development
- One-stop Service
- Prototypes
We dream of a glorious future and remain committed to our goal.
Our goal is to create value for our customers and to lead the way to become a
world-class company. ISO 9001 ISO 14001 기업혁신형 중소기업 확인서 2017품질만족지수
Our story starts with quality. With our delicate skill and highest level of 1위 기업 및 혁신기술 대상
[ISO 9001] [ISO 14001] [Inno-Biz Certificate] [No. 1 Quality Satisfaction Index Facility Inventory
Company of 2017 and
technology, we provide our customers with the best quality as we create solid Best Innovation for Technology Award]
value for our customers in every process. From designing to prototyping, casting, - Mechanical Equipment
precision processing and post-processing, all processes collectively take place
- Measurement Instruments
within our company, for higher efficiency and precision.
- Software
Through this process, we maintain a high level of market competitiveness as we
have become the best prototyping company in the world.
However, this is not the end of our journey.
We go beyond the domestic component market and expand over to the world.
As we grow even faster, we embrace a larger market. With our products and
technology capable of competing in the world market, we deliver the highest
value to customers all around the world.
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